Course Calendar

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Teacher Contact Information

Jason Flowers
Room 274
Email -
Phone - 512.841.3070
Conference - A3 and B7

Ronny Risinger
Room 256
Email -
Phone - 512.841.3090
Conference - A4 and B5

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Welcome to APUSH!

Students -

Welcome to the LASA APUSH web site.  You will find our course calendar at the top of this page, and below you will find links to our syllabus and late work / makeup policies.  You will receive copies of these handouts on the first day of class, but these electronic copies are available in case you need them.

2014-2015 APUSH Syllabus

2014-2015 APUSH Policies

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions about policies and procedures, materials, review books or anything relating to the course as we begin the school year.