Course Calendar

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

APUSH Extension Policy

It has come to my attention that many of you are unclear as to the policy for extensions on APUSH assignments.  It is never my intent to stress or overload you with work for APUSH.  As such, if you ever need an extension for an out-of-class assignment please ask me.  I will do my very best to accommodate you, and I will very rarely say no to reasonable requests for extensions on assignments like terms lists (and usually only because it's the end of the six weeks).

If you need an extension on an out-of-class assignment, please email me at  You don't need to provide a reason or explanation, or any other supporting details.  Just let me know that you need an extension, and provide me a reasonable time (preferably 24-48 hours from the due date) at which you plan to turn your assignment in.  I will send you a confirmation email back, usually within an hour or so (unless it's late at night or something).

That's all.  It's that simple.  Hope this helps.

Calendar Updates and Long Essay 1

Please note a couple of minor updates to the calendar (particularly on the days before Thanksgiving break).  Also, please note the 'special project' on those days in class.  Don't stress!  It's not only an optional project, but it's meant to be fun - just the continuation of a tradition we established in LASA APUSH last year.

Also, remember, 1920s society and culture for your first long essay, plus a 'wild card' topic from the period for each class.  You get to choose, and you only have to write one.  Make sure you're studying!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Calendar Update

The calendar has been updated with essay and exam dates for the third six weeks.