Course Calendar

Friday, November 20, 2015

Woodrow Wilson in the news

Sometimes, as a teacher, you have that moment where you think - didn't I just say this in class today?

Woodrow Wilson, Princeton and race


- Flowers

Friday, November 6, 2015

Next Week - DBQs!

So, we're going to devote next week to writing, and specifically to introducing the APUSH Document-Based Question.  On Monday and Tuesday, we will talk about the rubric, look at sample essays, and do some documents work.  Each student will receive a copy of the 2000 DBQ on organized labor, and we will work through the documents - summarizing, analyzing and identifying point of view.  On Thursday and Friday, all students will write their first DBQ in class.  The topic of the DQB will be organized labor, and the question and documents packet will be similar to (but not the same as) the one on which we practiced in class.