Course Calendar

Monday, December 11, 2017

C Day and Final Changes

Due to the snow day on Friday LASA will be having a C day on Wednesday December 13th this will impact all APUSH students in the following ways.

B day students your multiple choice portion of the test is now pushed to Wednesday December 13th but you will still write your LEQ on Tuesday December 12th.

A day students your multiple choice portion will still be on Wednesday December 13th and your LEQ will be on your final period (1st period 12/15, 2nd period 12/15, and 3rd 12/18).

The class periods on Wednesday will be 45 minutes so you will need to make sure you get to class promptly.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Outlines and Terms Lists: Lectures 1 - 5

Below you can find all the terms lists and outlines for all five of the lectures from this semester which can be used for review or for completing terms list 4.2 if you have not (must be turned in Monday). 

Lecture 1: 1840s to Civil War
Outline 1            Terms 1

Lecture 2: Reconstruction to Gilded Age Presidents
Outline 2            Terms 2

Lecture 3: America in the Gilded Age
Outline 3            Terms 3

Lecture 4: Imperialism and Progressivism
Outline 4            Terms 4.1                Terms 4.2

Lecture 5: World War I to 1932
Outline 5            Terms 5

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Snowpocalypse 2017!!

Hi everyone.  Hope you're staying safe and warm in this massive Austin winter storm. 

A quick update for my B-day students.  I'm going to record the end of the lecture and put it on Blend or Vimeo, so you'll be able to access that at some point tomorrow.  You are still responsible for all of the content in lecture 5 for the semester exam, so you should probably watch this before Tuesday.  We're also going to put the Mystery Document on Blend at some point this weekend, and you'll be responsible for taking that by Wednesday of next week.  You're also still responsible for taking the Blend quiz by Sunday. 

We're also going to post a copy of Terms List 4.2 on the web site at some point tomorrow in case you need to print it.  I'll accept Terms 4.2 for credit until Monday afternoon.

Please email if you have any questions, and enjoy your well-deserved time off.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

DBQ & SAQ Makeups

For those who missed the DBQ and/or SAQs yesterday we will be having four make up times between now and Wednesday after break. Remember you need 55 minutes for the DBQ and 30 for the SAQs so if you missed both it will require two lunch make up times. If we need to open more rooms Monday - Wednesday we will.

Friday 11/17 at lunch in 272 (Pettigrew's room)
Monday 11/27 at lunch in 276 (Aguayo's room)
Tuesday 11/28 at lunch in 276 (Aguayo's room)
Wednesday 11/29 at lunch in 276 (Aguayo's room)

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Take-home LEQ [Updated with the correct prompt / rubric]

Looks like we uploaded the wrong document in the previous post.  Please use this one instead of the one we posted on Friday.  Sorry for the confusion.

Take-home LEQ Assignment

Friday, September 1, 2017

Take Home LEQ

If you missed class either Thursday August 31st or Friday September 1st please click on the link below to access the Take Home LEQ Prompt. This LEQ will be due at the beginning of class Tuesday September 5th and Wednesday September 6th.

Take Home LEQ [Please download the correct document from the next post]

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Intro to the LEQ Handout

We will be using class sets in class when going over the LEQ for APUSH so if you would like your own copy click on the link below and print it to bring to class on Thursday, August 31st or Friday, September 1st.

Intro to the LEQ

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Pettigrew - Contact Information and Office Hours

Here's my contact information and office hours for the 2017-2018 school year.

Kim Pettigrew

Room 272
Conference period - 4A
Email -
Classroom phone - 512.341.3072

Office hours - Mondays and Wednesday mornings 7:45 to 8:20; other times by appointment

Friday, August 18, 2017

APUSH 2017 - civil discourse edition!

Welcome to a new year of LASA APUSH!  Ms. Pettigrew and I are happy that all of you will be joining this for what promises to be a fun-filled year, in which history will likely be made (for good or ill) in America on a daily basis all around us.  Hopefully, we'll be able to make sense of it all together, and also learn some US history at the same time.

Please refer to this site throughout the year for information about the course, announcements, class handouts and assignments, and the official course calendar.

Enjoy your last few days of summer, and we'll see you all on Monday or Tuesday for the first day of APUSH!

- Flowers

Flowers - Contact Information and Office Hours

Here are my contact information and office hours for the 2017-2018 school year.

Jason Flowers

Room 274
Conference periods - A4
Email -
Classroom phone - 512.841.3070 [not currently working]

Office hours - Tues. - Fri. mornings (7.45-8.20); Mon. and Thurs. afternoons (3.40-4.15); other times by appointment

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Final paper submission information

If you're doing the paper, you need to submit your essay to by 7pm on Tuesday, May 23.  Here is the registration information for our APUSH class on -

Class ID - 15398981
Enrollment Key - apushlasa

Please let me or Ms. Pettigrew know if you have any questions.

- Flowers

Monday, May 15, 2017

ERB/Paper Update 3

Please fill out the survey below by Friday May 19th. If you are working on the ERB only one person per group needs to fill it out. If you are working on the paper you do need to fill out this form.

Update 3

Monday, May 8, 2017

ERB/Paper Update 2

Please fill out the survey below by Friday May 12th. If you are working on the ERB only one person per group needs to fill it out. If you are working on the paper you do need to fill out this form. 

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Final Project - Epic Rap Battles information and group sign-up

One of the two options for your final project is our own APUSH version of Epic Rap Battles of History.  If you are choosing this assignment, please note the following -

1. Read the entire assignment sheet before you pick group members or subjects for your rap.

2. You must form a group of three to five people, all of whom MUST be in your class period of APUSH (with the exception of 0A split and 1A, who are allowed to work together).  No two-person groups OR groups of more than five people will be allowed.

3. As soon as you have determined your group members AND the two subjects who will appear in your ERB, please fill out the Google form linked below.  All groups and subjects must be selected by Monday, May 8 at 4pm.  If you are not part of a group by Monday afternoon, you will be required to complete the alternate (i.e. research paper) assignment.

Please email Mr. Flowers or Ms. Pettigrew if you have any questions about the project, and remember to fill out the form once you've settled on your group and subjects.

ERB Assignment Sheet
ERB Group Sign-Up Sheet

Final Project - Alternate Assignment

If you are choosing NOT to do Epic Rap Battles as your final project in APUSH, you must complete an essay on American federalism as described in the attached assignment.  The required readings for the assignment are also attached.  The due date for this assignment is the same as that for ERB - Tuesday, May 23 at 7pm (submission via

Please let me or Ms. Pettigrew know if you have any questions.

Federalism Paper Assignment
Federalism Paper Readings

Friday, April 28, 2017

The Review Packet!

Here is a link to the PDF file of the APUSH review packet. If you would like a hard copy please feel free to ask either Mr. Flowers or myself know and we will print off a copy for you (you should really ask Mr. Flowers because he loves to make copies). [JK - you should ask Ms. Pettigrew for copies of the packet, because her room is much closer to the copier.] (No really Mr. Flowers finds making copies relaxing I would never want to take that away from him so you should ask him.)

The APUSH exam is next Friday so make sure you are studying!

APUSH Review Packet

Monday, April 17, 2017

Recorded lectures

Here are two recorded lectures that will cover the end of lecture 9.  The password for these is apushlasa.

Lecture 9 - Jacksonian Democracy

Lecture 9 - Manifest Destiny

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

APUSH Fit Schedule

After spring break we will begin to have FIT sessions specifically for APUSH review the general schedule will be chronological review on Tuesdays with Mr. Flowers, theme review on Wednesday with Mr. Flowers and Ms. Pettigrew (on a rotating basis), and skills review on Thursday with Mr. Flowers and Ms. Pettigrew (on a rotating basis). The specific schedule can be found below so please sign up for the sessions you are interested in and if you have essay questions schedule time to come in specifically as these sessions are meant entirely for review.

Chronological Review with Mr. Flowers:
starting from the beginning of US history until the end - every Tuesday after spring break

Theme Reviews (Wednesday):
Political Parties - what are they? when did they form? what positions do they hold?
        Flowers - April 19th; Pettigrew - March 22nd
Economics - an overview of economics in US history
        Flowers - April 5th; Pettigrew - March 29th
Domestic Policy - an overview of president's domestic policies
       Flowers - March 29th; Pettigrew - April 5th
Foreign Policy - an overview of foreign policy in US History
       Flowers - March 22nd; Pettigrew - April 19th
General Questions - last FIT session to ask general questions
        Flowers and Pettigrew April 26th

Skills Review (Thursday):
Essay Mechanics - how to structure an essay
       Flowers - March 23rd; Pettigrew - April 27th
Study Tips - different methods to study and how to get the most use out of them
       Flowers - April 27th; Pettigrew - March 23rd
Pre-Writing - pre-writing tips and practice
       Flowers - April 20th; Pettigrew - March 30th
Stimulus Questions - tips for how to answer questions involving stimulus
      Flowers - March 30th; Pettigrew - April 20th

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

APUSH Review FIT Survey

Please take the survey below and indicate your preferences for what reviews you would like to see after Spring Break.

FIT Survey

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

AP Exam Registration

It's time to register for AP exams and the end date for registration is February 28th. You can find the AP registration form here and information about the fees and payment options here

Friday, January 27, 2017

Homework Survey

Here is the link to the LASA homework survey.  Though I know it goes against your core beliefs, please take this survey seriously and try not to troll.  The administration is going to try to use this information to advise students about course loads in the future, and your honest assessment of the homework load in your classes will help that process.

Homework Survey

Thursday, January 19, 2017

New Deal Study Chart

If you would like a study device to help you organize all the New Deal information as you prepare for the DBQ you can click on this link to find a chart we have used in past years.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Instructions for DBQ prep assignment

Students -

On Thursday, you will have a prep assignment for your DBQ on Friday.  Please make sure you have a documents packet and the DBQ prep packet.  The documents packet is a class set - please don't write on them and make sure to turn them in at the end of class.  The documents you see on Friday will not be identical to this packet, but they will be very, very similar and will cover the same time period and themes.  And, of course, on Friday you will have an actual essay prompt to go with them.

Your assignment for Thursday is to complete the requested information for each of the documents in the packet, to compose a possible essay prompt that fits these documents, and then to compose a thesis that addresses your proposed essay prompt.  You can work together in small groups (2-3 students), and you are allowed to use resources at your disposal, including class notes, terms, outlines and technology.  Your completed packet will be due before you sit your essay on Friday in class.

This assignment requires a little detective work and analytical thought on your part.  Think about how these documents fit together, and how you might group them (like in WHAP or Euro) if you were required to do so.  From there, think about how you would fit those themes together into a coherent essay topic.

I will be available via email at during the day if you have questions about the assignment.  I will try to respond to emails quickly during the school day.