Course Calendar

Friday, February 7, 2014

Snowpocalypse 2014 strikes again!

So, with our third snow day in as many weeks, we're changing the calendar again.  Essay 3 will be a DBQ, and it will be take-home essay.  We will talk specifics next week, but tentative due dates for the essay will be Monday, Feb. 17 (A) and Tuesday, Feb. 18 (B).

Dates for the fourth six weeks exam will stay the same for now, but please be aware that EVERYTHING is subject to change at this point because there is always the possibility of changes to the A/B rotation (and of more snow days).  Please be flexible, and check the course calendar and blog for updates.  I will keep you guys informed of changes in class as well.

Also, we will start having some recorded lectures (just like what the World History kids are doing this year) to make up for the lost class time.  You will be given access to the lectures online and (whether you listen to the lectures or not) you will be responsible for the material on terms lists and exams.  I will post information here and talk about it in class as soon as it happens - possibly as soon as next week.

Enjoy your day off!

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