Course Calendar

Sunday, April 13, 2014


The calendar has been updated to reflect due dates for Terms List 8 and several upcoming in-class assignments.  Here is the status of other outstanding issues -

Essays - Grading is proceeding.  I'm still in Louisiana (until mid-day tomorrow) to celebrate my mom's birthday, so I haven't gotten much done this weekend.  I will be back to essay grading once I get back to Austin tomorrow afternoon.  Ms. Pettigrew is also grading as well (6th and 7th period's essays this time), and we should have all essay grades in GradeSpeed by the end of the week.

Recorded lectures - I've gotten about half of Lecture 9a recorded.  I'll be recording the rest early this week.  Links will be posted on this site to the lectures on Vimeo as they are posted.  Terms List 9 will be due just before AP exams begin.

Study Guide - I'm putting the finishing touches on the study guide.  It will be posted early this week, perhaps minus some of the add-ons people have requested in the last few days.  If you want your study guide printed, you can come to my room before or after school to request a copy - I will print them on-demand on my printer.

AP Reviews - They're on the calendar, and will be in my room every Tuesday until the AP Exam.  Come prepared to take some notes and ask some questions.

We'll be finishing up Lecture 8 and doing the slavery lecture (Lecture 9c) in class on Wednesday and Thursday.  Good luck preparing for your exam!

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