Course Calendar

Monday, January 12, 2015

Selma Field Trip Registration

LASA APUSH classes will be attending a screening of the movie Selma on Wednesday, Jan. 21 at 10am.  This screening will be followed by a brief presentation by Mark Updegrove, the director of the LBJ Presidential Library, on LBJ's involvement in the events portrayed, and the historical accuracy of LBJ's depiction in the film.  We will return to campus by lunchtime.  The cost for this field trip is $6 per student.  You MUST complete this registration form AND bring your payment to Mr. Flowers no later than the beginning of 8th period on Thursday, Jan. 15.  Payments may be made in cash or by check payable to LASA High School.

Please click the link below to access the registration form -

Selma Field Trip Registration

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