Course Calendar

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Edmodo Information

Each student will be required to register for an account on  All class information, including links to assignments, handouts and the course calendar will be located on that site.  Parents, you are free to register with Edmodo as well - information for you will follow in a separate post.

Students, please follow the instructions below to register for our class on Edmodo - 

1. Go to
2. If you already have a student account, register for the LASA APUSH 2013-2014 group using the code in #3.  If you don't have a student account, click on the 'I am a Student' button and create an account.
3. The group code for LASA APUSH is 7bpz87
4. You should then have access to course documents, including the Lecture 1 outline, the syllabus and other information.  

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