Course Calendar

Monday, March 9, 2015

Social Studies Department makeup times

So, I'm not sure why this is an issue so late in the year, especially since this has been Social Studies Department policy since you all have been students at LASA, but the number of you asking when assignments such as essays should be made up has become quite alarming.  

Please find below the relevant passage from the handout you were given on the first day of school (and which has been available on the web site since BEFORE the first day of school) - 

AP US History Makeup Work Procedures

Social Studies Department makeup work times will be Tuesday and Wednesday during lunch.  In order to make up examinations or essays, students should see Mr. Flowers at the beginning of lunch to obtain the required materials and their room assignment.

If you have missed one or two consecutive calendar school days, you will have two makeup sessions to make up your assignment.  After two sessions have passed, you WILL NOT be allowed to sit your makeup.  If you have missed three or more calendar school days, please see Mr. Flowers to arrange an appropriate time for your makeup. Students with extended absences will be given appropriate time to complete their makeup work, but they should make arrangements (i.e. definite plans for when their makeup work will be completed) within a day of returning to school. 

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