Course Calendar

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Welcome to APUSH 2018 - Midterm Madness Edition!

Welcome to a new year of LASA APUSH!

First, Ms. Pettigrew and I are happy to welcome a new member to the APUSH team, Ms. Jessica Vanover.  We're really excited to have her here at LASA and teaching APUSH with us this year.

We're also glad all of you will be joining us for this historic year of midterm elections and special counsel investigations and other political shenanigans.  Hopefully, we'll be able to make sense of it all together, and also learn some US history at the same time.

Please refer to this site throughout the year for information about the course, announcements, class handouts and assignments, and the official course calendar.

Enjoy your last few days of summer, and we'll see you all on Monday or Tuesday for the first day of APUSH!

- Flowers

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